News and Announcements
The Grievance Community
Welcome to Grievance, we’re glad you found us!
Grievance has been around since the original EverQuest. We are happy to have members from all over the globe and spanning many demographics. Our core tenet is Family, Honor, Loyalty, which might sound formal and stuffy, but to us it means a place to call home while enjoying gaming with friends.
Check out our guild pages for more information about the main games we are in. It’s our very great pleasure to invite new members to join us, so click on the registration button to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions
Individual guilds may have more specific rules or procedures for new members – seek out a guild officer for more information. General rules for membership are as follows:
Members must be 18+. Exceptions may be made by our Guild Leaders for minor children/relatives of members or on a case-by-case basis.
Bigotry and hate speech will not be tolerated.
Excessive profanity, sexual content, and discussion of hot-button or contentious topics (such as politics or and religion) are prohibited.
Members are expected to maintain polite behavior when dealing with others, whether they are members or non-members. Harassment, stalking, personal attacks, and the like are forbidden.
Exploits or other violations of a game’s Terms of Service are forbidden, as is the purchase of characters, accounts, or in-game currency, except where expressly permitted by the Terms of Service of the game in question.
Grievance’s Discord channels may not be used for commercial activities without express permission from the Grievance Council.
Start by registering on our website. Please review the rules in our Charter, then fill out the quick application. You will be prompted to connect to our Discord immediately after applying. An officer from the game you have applied for will be in touch to invite you in game.
We use our website to maintain a roster of all of our members across different guilds and games. Having an active account on our site means you’re a member in good standing and can join any of Grievance’s guilds. The site also synchronizes with our Discord server for permissions information so you will see the right things for your game(s).
After applying you will be prompted to join our Discord server right away. If you’re an existing member, you can also get the link by clicking on your user profile here on the website. If you can’t find it, ask an officer in the game you’re applying to. For visitors or guests, members can generate and share a temporary server invite link with limited permissions.
We want to provide our members with a safe and secure gaming experience, so visitors and new members will only see the Guest channels in our server when they first join. Our officers will review your application and update your Discord access to sync with the game to which you are applying. Once the sync is complete, you will be able to see all of our member chat and voice channels, as well as receive any game-specific notifications made by the guild to which you have applied.
Each Grievance guild is run by a single Guild Leader who is empowered to make decisions for the betterment of his or her guild. The Guild Leader is assisted by officers – the structure varies based on each guild’s need, but always includes an Executive Officer and a Recruiting Officer, along with other officers with specific or general assignments. Organizational decisions are made by an 8-member Council, which is tasked with coordinating between guilds and providing administrative support to Grievance’s guilds and members.
The Council manages the day-to-day business affairs and administrative side of Grievance. While the Guild Leaders and their officers have their hands full running their guilds, the Council makes sure the guilds and members of Grievance have the support and infrastructure they need to play together. This includes managing Grievance’s finances; administering the website, forums, and Discord server; coordinating inter-guild issues and disputes; and setting the rules that govern the entire organization in the Charter. The Council hosts a monthly meeting in Discord (the Open Council Meeting voice channel in the General Administration section) open to all Grievance members where they announce news, discuss and vote on motions, and hear updates from Grievance’s guilds. The dates of these Open Council Meetings are announced on the forums and Discord, and typically are held roughly mid-month.
We trust our Guild Leaders to decide what is best for their individual guilds, and some guilds may have more lax language requirements. However, our topic restrictions – no excessive profanity, sexual content, or discussion of hot-button or contentious subjects – remain the same across the organization. We want all of our members, and anyone around them who may be listening while they play, to feel safe and welcome with us.
We’re glad to host streamers from across Grievance! If you’re interested, get in touch with our COG Director, Nionya, or our Assistant COG Director, Wendol.
COG stands for Community Outreach Group. They help Grievance’s recruiting efforts, post on social media, and coordinate our streamers.
Yes! Please reach out to the Guild Leader of the game in question to discuss it.
We love it when our members step up and help out! Talk with your Guild Leader or another officer. If you’re interested in helping out with administrative or organizational issues, talk to a Council Member.
Probably not. Historically, Grievance’s guilds have been on PvE servers, because the communities on PvE servers tend to align better with our members’ gaming priorities. PvP is unavoidable in some games, of course, but where there is a choice, our guilds will generally be on PvE servers.
We’re always interested in hearing what people want to play. Some older or smaller games do have Grievance members playing but don’t have enough active members to be a full guild. If you’re interested in helping to start a new guild (or revive an old one), please reach out to a Council Member to talk about it.
If the problem is specific to a game, please reach out to the Guild Leader of the game in question. Otherwise, contact a Council Member.
For questions about a specific guild, contact the Guild Leader or any officer of the guild. For general or organizational questions, reach out to a Council Member in Discord or email