About Grievance in World of Warcraft Classic – Horde
Grievance’s Classic Horde guild was formed during WoW Classic’s release. We are a semi-casual guild of mature, friendly and active players who intend to clear all normal and heroic content. Many of our members have been playing WoW together or separately for over a decade. We love friendly competition and having a good time in a relaxed, positive, non-toxic environment. Our members greatly enjoy raiding on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and running heroics. We also strive to keep <Grievance> a fun place to level up an alt, receive peer assistance and help each other outside of just clearing the content. We have open recruitment for raid members and social members are always welcome regardless of role, class & spec.
Server: Mankirk
- Guild Master – Tamber

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My name is Bryan, I’m 32 and have been gaming since I was 7. Most of the time you can find me on FFXIV, Warframe, Hunt, WoW. I’ve just started streaming recently and I tend to jump from game to game. So if you are up for seeing what I can get into, stick around […]