About Grievance in Elder Scrolls Online
Grievance’s ESO guild was formed in 2014 at the launch of ESO on the PC/NA server. We are an active guild that enjoys helping each other succeed in the game. All new and seasoned players alike are welcome.
Guild Activities
- Weekly PVP event. Our faction is Aldmeri Dominion and we play in the Ravenwatch campaign (Standard No-CP).
- Weekly raffles and monthly auctions are held with high quality items.
- Fun events such as zone clears, hide and seek, werewolf PVP and many more are available throughout the year.
- Daily dungeons. From random normals, pledges and gear runs to earning achievements from veteran DLC dungeons.
- Trials 4 times a week catering for different difficulty and commitment levels. 2 times a week are for our progression team, while the other 2 times a week are for casual players to participate.
- Workshops for new and veteran players are run regularly to learn and enhance skills. Some of our past workshops included build help, light attack weaving and PVP.
- Guild trader to help you sell and make some gold.
Server: PC_NA
Our Leadership Team
- Guild Leader – Static Recharge (@static_recharge)
- Executive Officer – Jarr Kahala (@Kahala)
- Logistics Officer – Tynian (@Tynian_0)
- Recruiting Officer – Liette (@Liette)
- Event Officer – Blaize (@blaize)_0
- Warlord – Brasstortoise (@brasstortoise)
- Raid Leader – Barnil (@Blackstar242)
- Raid Leader – Yuri (@yuri.ingame)
- Guild Officer – Storm_Runner (@kaistormrunner)
- Guild Officer – ObsidianFlame (@ObsidianFlambeau)

Latest Updates
The new Deadlands DLC drops today for ESO and brings a couple of great new features. Check out the official post.