
I’m SkeLexTor (Lex for short) and Lex_L in the forums and been streaming for a few years, yet just recently have joined the streaming crew of Grievance!

My primary game is World of Warcraft, been playing since release 2004 and mainly play a Rogue. Enjoy many other games like FF14, Pokémon, Monster Hunter World, God of War series, Destiny, etc.

My normal streaming times are Tues, Wed, Thur from 8:30-11:30 and Saturdays from 10-2pm

Been a member of Grievance for 4 years, and through this time, I’ve met some wonderful people and made some lifelong friendships. Another thing I love about Grievance, is that once you are part of the family, you are family in ALL the embassies Grievance is gaming on.

skeLEXtor on Twitch

Author chirpingbird
Views 1499